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phone(432) 685-9150

Available 24/7

Testing Services

Trinity Drug Testing, LLC provides comprehensive screening for drugs and alcohol in the Permian Basin. We service government employers, private industry, medical offices, school districts, the judicial system and private individuals. Testing is completely confidential and is very quick and easy.


Testing Services

Our drug and alcohol testing services are particularly important for employers who wish to keep a drug-free workforce.

Why Should You Test?

Pre-employment Screening

Random Testing

Reasonable Suspicion Testing

Post Accident Testing

Return to Duty Testing

Follow Up Testing

Testing Options

Lab Based Testing

Instant Testing

Hair Follicle Testing

Alcohol Testing

K2/Spice Testing

Personal Testing

Trinity Drug Testing, LLC can perform your test in our clinic, or we can dispatch one of our Certified Professional Collectors to your location. You can count on us to assist in enforcing your company drug policy. If you work in an industry where there are safety standards, or you simply want to ensure that your employees are safe on the job, our services can help you meet those needs.